50% sugar
Here’s more for helping revive tired skin. This one’s based on a recipe from Larry Pleasant, CEO of The Vermont Soapworks:
- 50% oil
- small amounts of aloe vera gel, vitamin C crystals or any other healing ingredient that dissolves in water
- 1 or 2 drops of essential oil, if desired
Sugar scrubs are great for exfoliating (getting rid of the dead skin cells built up on the outer surface of your skin). And because they are mixed with oil, they moisturize the fresh new skin underneath.
With a little research I found some great variations for adding scents, spices, nutrients and antioxidants. The basic recipe is as follows:
½ cup sugar (you can use white or brown)
Enough organic oil to moisten the sugar (not mineral oil, like baby oil, but olive, sunflower, avocado, peanut, etc.)
Now you can get creative depending on your tastes and skin needs. Avoid olive oil if you don’t like the scent or if you plan on using your own scents that could conflict with the strong smell.
Here’s a great recipe for a comforting body polish I found at
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